Thursday, May 1, 2008

These people dilute our freedom of speech , they make me hardly even believe in it anymore. These feminists pigs have shoved there multiculturalism down my generations throat our whole lives. and we are fed up with it. we don't want to hear that America is the bad guy we don't want to hear that we are xenophobic we don't want to hear that we are religious zealots we are sick of these perverts death style being pushed on children and one day soon the shit will hit the fan, we know who did this to our country over the last 40 years....we know exactly who they are, we don't have the power now but wait and see where you pigs end up.

Hillary on Oriely

I liked the first part of the interview last night. For once a politician got some real questions. One thing is for sure id take this woman over the Afro-marxists any day