Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pelosi: homo last supper doesen't harm christianity

The war against Christianity has been going on since the marxist/feminists took over 40 years ago. the film industry for one is heavvily gay, look at it this way how many positive christians have you seen displayed on TV or movies in recent years............hmm touched by a thats about all i can think of 2. now lets see how they are negative portrayed.
Carrie: crazy religious abusive mother
Pulp fiction: asasian samuel l jackson quotes the bible before he executes his victims.
Cape fear: robert denero is a crazed rapists/muderer with bible quote tattoos all over his body.
Kingdom of heaven:christian barbarian muderers/ muslims brave heroic noble fighters
The list goes on and on and on. now every christian in tv or movies is hardly ever portrayed as a good guy or a person of great moral integrity, there allways portrayed as a zealous lunatic pervert rapists.
now lets think about how homosexuals are portrayed. they are smart, Witty, fun-loving great upstanding people. never the bad guy, never the deviant, never the murderer, never portrayed in a negative light.
So if you thnik there is not a war against christians your an idiot.

McCain: "No Muslim president, U.S. better with Christian one"

"McCain: No Muslim president, U.S. better with Christian one"

whether or not you agree with the statement, this country has been run by white christian males since the beginning. i dont have a problem with a women or a african american as president, but a muslim would be to much. the muslim population of this country is nil to say the least. and im not one to buy the statement that islam is a religon of peace. no country in the history of man has let other races/religons live within its borders with such benevolence. and despite what the leftards would have you believe this is in many ways a christian nation. sure its not a theocracy, but it was founded upon by christians. i think about 80% of americans identify themeseleves as christians and like 95% blieve in a higher power.

also the west is in the beginning stages with a long war against islamofacists, electing a muslim would be a sign of weakness. second i have yet to see a muslim that has worthy enough character to fill the role to begin with.

and last, Mr. barack HUSSEIN obamba............i dont know guys that middle name just doesn't set well with me.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Old bill blames gop again?

Comparing swift boats to attack on Petraeus. hmmmmm......swift boats attack the medal burner hippie and thats comparable to marxist moveon lefties attacking a standing general.

the left is so predictable...blame the gop blame the gop. and why the hell is he so red in the face? that video reminds me of the osama one with wallace, hmmm lets see if i got that here ya go

Chinese national and us citizen indicted on economic espionage.

well well well i guess this is what we get for bringing in asian nationalists with questionable allegiance to the united states to work on our cutting edge technologies and sciences.

my main point is all the good leftists children want to be artists and poets and actors and film majors. for quite some time our kids have taken steps back from the rest of the world in math and science. the result we have to depend on immigrants to do this work. now I'm sure most of these workers have nothing in mind but getting a better life for themselves and there children. But all it takes is 1 of them to steal some top secret technology from lets say Los Alamo's or a area 51 like compound and we just gave it to our enemies.

so the solution is next time your nearby marxist highschool wants to expand there arts and theater program, tell them to expand there computer, math and sciences. if america wants to stay on the cutting edge we need young people who can fill these vital roles so our enemies do not.