Saturday, September 29, 2007

McCain: "No Muslim president, U.S. better with Christian one"

"McCain: No Muslim president, U.S. better with Christian one"

whether or not you agree with the statement, this country has been run by white christian males since the beginning. i dont have a problem with a women or a african american as president, but a muslim would be to much. the muslim population of this country is nil to say the least. and im not one to buy the statement that islam is a religon of peace. no country in the history of man has let other races/religons live within its borders with such benevolence. and despite what the leftards would have you believe this is in many ways a christian nation. sure its not a theocracy, but it was founded upon by christians. i think about 80% of americans identify themeseleves as christians and like 95% blieve in a higher power.

also the west is in the beginning stages with a long war against islamofacists, electing a muslim would be a sign of weakness. second i have yet to see a muslim that has worthy enough character to fill the role to begin with.

and last, Mr. barack HUSSEIN obamba............i dont know guys that middle name just doesn't set well with me.

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